ECB monetary policy spills over to US – Chicago Fed study
Resulting appreciation of dollar causes US leveraged loan investors to demand more compensation
EU debt wave raises dealer capacity concerns
Ongoing QT and upcoming defence spending piles pressure on bank balance sheet supply, say dealers
Bank Indonesia ready to stabilise currency, official says
Central bank could intervene in FX market again after rupiah almost hit record low
US banks create ‘new payment rail’ with tokenised deposits
Custodia and Vantage launch what they say is first tokenisation of a dollar demand deposit
Central Banking Awards 2025: the winners in full
Awards recognise extraordinary achievements in another challenging year for central banks
Lifetime achievement award: Agustín Carstens
A driver of strategic change, respected in both emerging and developed economies
Central bank of the year: Bank of Thailand
The Thai central bank has countered government interference while fulfilling its mandate and striving to future-proof the financial sector
Governor of the year: Aleš Michl
The Czech National Bank head brought inflation down from 18% to 2%
Editor's choice

Can central banks cut remittance fees to sustainable levels?
More action is needed to reach the UN’s 3% global average cost target. But central banks face limits on what they can do

Fintech Benchmarks 2025 – model banks analysis
Data breakdown reveals differences in CBDC research, AI use and adoption of the cloud

Do central bank governors make good prime ministers?
Mark Carney is the latest to make the leap, but the record elsewhere has been mixed

Stop calling them ‘CBDCs’, ECB paper argues
Study says the term, and much other crypto terminology, is misleading and should be binned
Two-thirds of central banks regularly audit policy processes
Internal and external audit functions are combined in most jurisdictions

Central banking amid uncertainty and Trump 2.0
Deglobalisation set to challenge the central banking orthodoxy of the past 40 years
Central Banking Spring Meetings 2025

Working group minutes: facing up to CBDC adoption challenges
Participants at Cape Town meeting saw drawbacks to digital currency versus other payment methods

Trump 2.0 piles pressure on reserve managers
Speakers at Central Banking Spring Meetings discuss positioning, interventions and impact of lost aid

Technology needs to keep up with crypto regulation – panel
Panellists discuss AML/CFT risks arising from virtual assets during Central Banking Spring Meetings

Conservatism in central banking ‘may not exist in 10 years’
Reserve managers at Spring Meetings 2025 share frustrations and discuss new strategies
Book reviews

Book notes: Central bank capitalism: monetary policy in times of crisis, by Joscha Wullweber

Book notes: Default: the landmark court battle over Argentina’s $100 billion debt restructuring, by Gregory Makoff

Book notes: A fly on the RBI wall: an insider’s view of the central bank, by Alpana Killawala

Book notes: The bankers’ new clothes, second edition, by Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig
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